Thursday, July 14, 2011

Autism, autism, autism!!!!

Autism? yes, that will be the topic I will be studying for next 4-5 years since I joined the lab that studies autism like crazy.

Here's the info on the lab that I am part of for my phd years. The lab is pretty cool with chill PI, a nurse, post-doc, and another student. People are nice. My other fellow phd student baked me ice cream/oreo brownies. I get a nice desk and a lab bench. But, I have a serious problem.

I don't have my own project!!!!!!!!!

why is that a problem? maybe not too severe right now, but it will be bad if this continues for a long time as my qualifying exam approaches and my PI is not gonna like me for being dumb...aite, so i seriously need to find something to investigate...and i kinda got excited when i ran into this news article.

People often thought that genetic components have a high effect in the cause of autism...and these papers came out saying environmental factors have higher effect than heritable genetic components in the cause of autism. So what? I thought this could be a lead to my thesis project. I don't know what this could go into, but I just need to read, read, and read. Let's see how this goes.

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