I have always wanted to turn my samsung tab pro 12.2 into fully running linux machine with working python and R. This will allow me to work / study in cafes with more ease :) Here's what I have done
1) Gain root access.
- Among various sites out there, I found this procedure to work for my machine
(http://androidxda.com/root-samsung-galaxy-note-pro-12-2-sm-t900). After this was done, I accessed SuperSU app and disabled KNOX.
- I also find this site useful for my set-up. This includes remapping the key and fixing wifi setup (http://graemehill.ca/turning-a-galaxy-note-pro-into-a-linux-laptop/).
2) Disable SELinux permission
- using "Terminal Emulator for Android" app, I typed
$ su
$ setenforce 0
- I checked whether the permission setting by going "Setting" --> "General" --> "About Device". "SE for Android status" is now changed to "Permissive".
3) Install Linux Deploy
- I found this method more intuitive than others. I followed instruction here (http://www.linuxuser.co.uk/features/run-linux-on-android-part-2) For more detail, here's what I have done.
- I created a new profile and changed the profile to
Distribution: Ubuntu
Distribution suite: trusty
Installation path: "/data/media/linux.img"
Desktop environment: LXDE (I tried GNOME, but wasn't successful)
Select components to install: (Check for "Desktop Environment", "SSH server", "VNC server"; DO NOT CHECK "X server"... It doesn't work, at least for me)
- Then, I clicked "Install at the top of the profile setup page. This allowed me not to see any "fail" next to functions that gets mounted.
- Clicked "Start" button on the top
4) Use JuiceSSH app to access the linux that has been deployed
- I used the instruction in the link above (http://www.linuxuser.co.uk/features/run-linux-on-android-part-2). Here's a gist of it.
- To access the distro from a terminal, launch your SSH app and (if using default settings) log into android@
with the ‘changeme’ password. You can now enter standard Linux commands from the terminal.
- Now, here's the problem.. For some reason, R doesn't get installed fully but I got it to work just enough for now. I will need to keep on searching or whoever is reading this have some insight on this. Here's the problem and what I have done
what's done
- I used vim to add "deb http://cran.rstudio.com/bin/linux/ubuntu trusty/" in "/etc/apt/sources.list" file. One can pick any CRAN mirror of choice by following the instruction here (http://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu/). The link to the CRAN mirror sites are here (http://cran.r-project.org/mirrors.html).
- I added the key by typing
$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys E084DAB9
- One can also follow the instruction here for adding key (http://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu/).
- After the above, I installed "r-base-core". One may be wondering why I didn't install "r-base" and here's the problem. It won't work. There are broken packages which I cannot identify. But, "r-base-core" will get R 3.0.1 in the machine and that's good enough for now until this site updates? (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/r-base)
$ sudo apt-get install r-base-core
- The machine doesn't have some packages I need, so I manually installed some.
$ sudo apt-get install gcc make
- Now I have R 3.0.1 running (also python but haven't fiddled with it too much yet). I also installed bioconductor tools too so it's all good for me now.
- "r-base" doesn't get installed in simple "sudo apt-get install r-base" method- R 3.1.2 doesn't get installed
- tablet rebooting randomly (but I think I have a fix currently..)
As a computer novice (I study genetics), above is what I have done (for fun!!). If anyone have a better solution, let me know! Hope my experience help those who are trying to do a similar thing.
*** Edits 2014.12.19
7) In order to fix tablet restarting problem, I flashed in the recovery and factory reset the tablet. For some reason, the superuser access was still present. I updated all my apps including linux deploy and others used above. In conclusion, the restarting problem was gone and I still had root access with all the keyboard fixes :)
8) I re-did installing ubuntu trusty in the Linux Deploy and installed R as above. Interestingly, "r-base" installed normally without any issues!! :)
9) The R version was still 3.0.1 so I decided to do some fiddling.
- add ppa repository
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:marutter/rdev
- install r-base
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install r-base
--> no error but r-base, r-base-dev are kept back. I think I will just wait until (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/r-base) site updates.